Essential and Shared Services

iENGINEERING Technology Park is servicing as a purpose-built technology zone and is offering exclusive services to the zone enterprises to establish and effectively sustain their businesses in Pakistan. 

Human Resources 

iENGINEERING Technology Park offers exclusive services for finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs for the zone enterprises. 

Corporate Law/Legal 

iENGINEERING Technology Park is offering legal services that include regulating the rights and obligations involved with the business activities of a corporation—including formation, ownership, O&M. 


iENGINEERING Technology Park is providing services that include assistance in the preparation of tax returns, tracing expenses and revenues, auditing, producing financial records and consultations. 

Talent Acquisition 

iENGINEERING Technology Park is providing services in employer branding, future resource planning, diversifying the labor force of zone enterprises, and developing a robust candidate pipeline. 

International Liaison 

iENGINEERING Technology Park will be assisting in building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships and facilitating communications. This includes international exposure as well